Post Katrina
Photos by Jerry Porter

We have traveled to New Orleans three times since Katrina in April 2006, January 2007, and January 2011.  The 2006 photos show the damage thoughout the city.  The 2007 and 2011 photos focus on the Lower Ninth Ward which bore the brunt of the flooding and which has been the slowest to recover.

Lower Ninth Ward

2006     2007     2011

Photos of the Seventh Ward and Lakeview (2006)

The pictures of Lakeside and the Seventh Ward were taken through a bus window.  Most of the damage here was due to flooding from the breech of the Seventeenth St. levee and from the high winds.  Pay attention in the photos to the high water line, the trailers where people are living, the blue tarps on the roofs, and the debris that is everywhere.

Photos of the French Quarter, Canal St., and the Garden District (2006)

"Other" New Orleans Photos (2006)